
The signifiance of place and craftmanship

The Vorarlberg region and the Bregenzerwald characterise the identity of Dietrich Untertrifaller. Every project that we bring to life carries a piece of this identity within it. Craftsmanship plays a key role in this - not in the sense of skills and qualities, but in the sense of attitude and appreciation of the context, resources and cooperation. In this respect, Vorarlberg symbolises far more than just the beginning of our history. Vorarlberg is sort of our laboratory, where everyone is the product of his environment, where we mutually benefit from each other through respectful interaction, joint discussions and open dialogue at eye level. The underlying aspirations we demand from ourselves and others is a constant element in our architecture and our approach.

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Migration spaces

A dialogue between migration and multicultural spaces

Never before has the number of people forced to flee their homes been as high as it is today. There are many reasons for this flight: Lack of prospects and poverty, ethnicity and religion, violence and war, discrimination and persecution, climate change and environmental destruction. According to the latest Global Trends Report from the UNHCR, 117.3 million people worldwide were displaced at the end of 2023 - 8.8 million people (or 8 per cent) more than at the end of 2022.

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Openness, curiosity and learning from each other

As a pupil at the European School of Brussels in the 1960s and 1970s, I realised in the upper school that almost all the teachers belonged to the wartime generation and were therefore guided by a great deal of idealism and tolerance in this newly founded first European School, and that they were committed to the idea of a united Europe with all their might: openness, curiosity, learning from each other in a modest setting despite all the resentment that still existed at the time.

These memories came flooding back when I was given an insight into the Dietrich Untertrifaller office through a long conversation between employees. I was impressed by the naturalness with which differences are addressed at the various locations in Europe and solutions are sought with all partners - and of course also by the work in the team of employees from all over the world.

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