Student residence, Halle (Saale) (DE)
New building

Client: Studentenwerk Halle
Location: D-06108 Halle, Emil Abderhaldenstraße
Architecture: ARGE Dietrich Untertrifaller and Aline Hielscher
Construction: 2024 – 2026
Area: approx. 5,680 m²
Programme: approx. 130 student apartments

Visualisation: Dietrich Untertrifaller

Benjamin Figueroa Hensler (Project management), Georg Haizmann, Dominik Malz, Björn Osmann, Alina Rapp, Annkathrin Schumpe, Michael Sohm, Ilie Stanese

Text: Gerlinde Jüttner

Statics: R&P Ruffert, Halle
Building services: S&P Sahlmann, Leipzig
Electrics: IBB Burrer & Deuring Leipzig
Fire protection: Schmöller, Leipzig
Building physics: Büttner, Halle (thermal insulation), Büro für Bauphysik, Wansleben (sound insulation)

Living as a student in the old town

With over 20,000 students, Martin Luther University is one of the most important universities in Germany. Two halls of residence for students are being built in Emil-Abderhalden-Straße within walking distance of the old town centre, offering the optimum number of accommodations.

We are planning a complex with around 130 flats and an underground car park, consisting of a street-side head-end building, a connecting wing and a large rear block in the inner courtyard. Opposite, Aline Hielscher is building the smaller residential home with approx. 30 units.

Spacious arcades in the inner courtyard

The grid of the wooden mullion and transom façade is based on the dimensions of the flat modules. All flats are accessed via spacious arcades in the inner courtyard. A network of bridges and walkways connects the individual parts of the building and not only ensures good orientation, but also serves as a communicative meeting zone for the residents.

An external main staircase between the head building and the side wing connects the individual arcades of the residential floors. The residential storeys are designed as a reinforced concrete construction with a modular timber façade in front. The exciting contrast between cool concrete and warm wood creates a modern, cosy atmosphere.

Floor plan L0
Floor plan L2

KREA Living, Munich (DE)
New building, Affordable housing


Living in the hospital quarter, Heidelberg (DE)
New building, Neighbourhood Development


Central administration Weidenbornstraße, Wiesbaden (DE)
New building
