
Dietrich Untertrifaller has offices in Austria (Bregenz and Vienna), Switzerland (St. Gallen), Germany (Munich and Frankfurt) and in France (Paris and Strasbourg) and Beograd.

Photos: Florian Spring

We are an internationally operating architectural practice with roots in Vorarlberg. Our team of over 140 employees works on a wide range of tasks, makes decisions together and enjoys learning from each other. We avoid specialisation in order to remain alert, creative and innovative.

We are curious and questioning, researching and communicative. We treat resources and context with respect, cultivating and developing our passion for modern timber construction, where we have played a pioneering role from the very beginning. Sustainable, socially balanced and high-quality spaces with their own identity are a sincere need for us.

We always look at the specific context of the building project. What are the qualities of the landscape, the built environment, the local craftsmanship? What are the social characteristics, what is the climate like? At the same time, we analyse the function of the building to be constructed. What tasks must the building fulfil, how can we achieve the greatest possible user comfort? Are there synergies between the different uses? Do the interior and exterior interact? The regionality of the materials and, wherever possible, the craftsmanship is also very important to us. This strengthens the relationship with the location and increases identification with the community.

We recognise that responsibility in construction is changing and use the moment to break down conventional ways of thinking. Together, we develop contemporary solutions in an interdisciplinary process on an equal footing with our clients and craftspeople.

Dietrich Untertrifaller was founded in 1994 by Helmut Dietrich and Much Untertrifaller. Since 2016, they have been running the office together with Dominik Philipp and Patrick Stremler. After Helmut Dietrich’s exit in November 2023, Dominik Philipp, Patrick Stremler and Much Untertrifaller will remain sole partners.